Turbocharger Warranty / Cartridge
The guarantee of turbocharger is valid 24 months from the date of invoice, or 40 000 km, whichever is the earlier.
The guarantee of cartridge (Cartridge) is 24 months from date of invoice.
Guarantee conditions
Any turbocharger returned under warranty will be repaired and sent back to the client.
If a turbocharger or cartridge is returned to us as dflawless, but that an examination reveals ddamage due to poor installation, 1 repair estimate will be proposed.
To qualify for the guarantee, the following conditions must be met:
Invoice dinstallation by a professional garage or mechanic, attesting to the installation according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
Invoice dbuying parts dbrand new necessary for the installation of the turbocharger, including as a minimum:
- Oil filter
- Air filter
- New engine oil
- Banjo (arrival connection) d'oil)
- Pipes dsupply and discharge doil
- Joint pouch (mandatory) for ensure proper installation and avoid leakage doil or dair)
Guarantee exclusions
The guarantee will be cancelled in the following cases:
Damage caused by external impact (example: presence) da foreign body that damaged the compressor wheel).
Overheating visible from Cartridge and its components (blue tint), resulting dinsufficient lubrication or da lack doil.
Damaged or modified actuator housing.
Ddamage due to poor installation or oil contamination.
ECU reprogramming of the vehicle which affected the proper functioning of the turbocharger.
Option Serenity Pack
If Serenity pack has been subscribed, the coin will be systematically replaced and one technical expertise will be carried out in didentify the cause of the failure and dmake corrections for prevent it from reproducing.
Only shipping costs will be borne by the customer.
Request for return
Since you personal space, go to the section "My Returns" and make your return request in just a few clicks.